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Ethnicity *
I plan to: *

Please indicate if any of your Parents/Guardians or any of your siblings attend Faulkner University, Alabama Christian College, or Jones School of Law? *

Have you ever been enrolled in dual-enrollment classes? *
You have selected a program that leads to licensure and or certification. Please complete the below acknowledgement before proceeding with the application. *
I have reviewed the licensure/certification requirements for the state in which I plan to seek employment using the www.Faulkner.edu/SA webpage and have ascertained, based on Faulkner's best judgment, whether or not my program leads to licensure. *
Have you already applied to Faulkner University? *
Have you completed any dual enrollment courses? *

Personal Statement addressing the following: Why do you want to attend Faulkner University? Why do you want to be a nurse? What makes you uniquely qualified for acceptance into our CHS-EAP program? Describe your most challenging life experience and what it taught you about yourself. If you are not accepted into the CHS- EAP, what are your alternative plans?

1 letter from a teacher speaking to academic performance

1 letter from a personal reference (non-family) speaking to your professionalism, dedication, and faith

Consent *

The mission of the Christ-centered community at Faulkner University leads us to uphold the Bible as the inspired word of God, integrate faith with learning in all classes, and expect behaviors consistent with Christian values. Students are required to complete Bible-based courses, attend chapel services regularly, and abide by all academic and conduct policies that reflect these Christian values. In a detailed paragraph, describe how your beliefs, values, and past activities have prepared you to participate in the Faulkner Christian community and abide by these values.

Moral and Educational Standards *

If accepted to Faulkner, I agree to abide by the moral and educational standards of Faulkner University as defined in the University catalog and student handbook. Specifically, I acknowledge that, if admitted as a student at Faulkner University, I am expected to abide by standards of conduct consistent with Biblical principles. These standards include, but may not be limited to, refraining from inappropriate dress, the use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, and tobacco products, the use of weapons, vulgar and abusive language, inappropriate interpersonal relationships, and the use of any media that may be detrimental to my spiritual and moral development.

Spiritual Development *

I further acknowledge that in an effort to continually support my spiritual development, Faulkner University incorporates several elements into student life including regular chapel attendance, Biblical instruction, character communities, sportsmanship instruction, the Faulkner Honor Code, and community service activities

Accuracy and Completion *

I certify that all information provided by me related to my admission to Faulkner University is true, complete, and accurate. I give Faulkner University my permission to verify any and all information related to my admission, including the information contained in this application. I agree to release copies of U.S. and/or state tax returns upon request. I will also notify the Financial Aid Office of any significant changes. Furthermore, I certify that I am not delinquent on any federal debt.

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